Send e-mail message
With this type of scheduled task selected, Advanced Task Scheduler sends an e-mail message.
Click the
button to open the properties window where you can define one or more e-mail addresses separated by comma or semicolon, SMTP server address and port number. Also you can define sender address and message subject.
An attachment can be added to the message. Professional and Network Editions: Several attachments can be added to a single message.
Version 10 and later: The length of username and password fields is 256 characters. In version 9 and earlier their length was 64 characters.
Version 10 and later: One or more e-mail addresses separated by comma or semicolon can be specified in RFC 5322 format with an optional display name that indicates the name of the recipient that could be displayed to the user of a mail application, and a mailbox address enclosed in angle brackets ("<" and ">"), for example, John Doe <>
. The simple form of a mailbox address without the recipient's name and the angle brackets is supported in all versions.
Version 10 and later: Non-ascii characters in the recipient's name and non-ascii domain names (International Domain Names) are now supported.
Professional and Network Editions: Since version 4.0, you can include the return code of the previous action in email body. To do so, you can add variables into email body. Since version 6.0, you can insert any combination of variables into email subject as well as email body.
Using Gmail to send e-mail messages:
E-Mail Address: your email address ( or
SMTP server:
SMTP port number: 587
Authorization: checked
User name: your full email address (including or
Password: your Gmail password
Connection security: STARTTLS
Note: If you get an error like "Username and Password not accepted", you may need to change settings in your Google Account to allow less secure apps. Go to Google Account | Security | Less secure app access and change the "Allow less secure apps" to "Allow less secure apps: ON".
Returning codes
Error code: Error code of starting the command
Exit code: Error code of sending the e-mail
Categories: Manual, Shortcut type
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