IE Automation

This shortcut type allows automating Internet Explorer (Professional and Network Editions only). The automation is performed by executing series of commands against the document opened in the Internet Explorer.

Edit selected command.

Insert a new command.

Move selected command up.

Move selected command down.

Delete selected command.

Display options window.

IE Automation Options

Show browser window
Show the browser window during executing the commands.

Do not close browser window when finished
Do not close the browser window when execution is finished.

Use timeout
Timeout of the operation, in seconds.

IE Automation Command

The table below describes IE Automation commands and their arguments.

Command Argument Value Parameter
GotoURL url URL, full path, or UNC location of the resource to display. Optional: destination file name. If specified, the URL will be downloaded to the destination location rather that opened in the browser.
GoBack - - -
GoForward - - -
RefreshPage - - -
SetTextBox id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the text box. Text to set to the text box field.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the text box.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the text box.
value The value of the "value" attribute that will be used to find the text box.
beforetext The text before the text box that will be used to find the text box.
aftertext The text after the text box that will be used to find the text box.
SetTextArea id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the text area. Text to set to the text area field.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the text area.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the text area.
value The value of the "value" attribute that will be used to find the text area.
beforetext The text before the text area that will be used to find the text area.
aftertext The text after the text area that will be used to find the text area.
ClickLink id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the link. Optional: destination file name. If specified, the target link will be downloaded to the destination location rather that opened in the browser.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the link.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the link.
linkurl The link URL that will be used to find the link.
linktext The link text that will be used to find the link.
ClickImage id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the image. Optional: destination file name. If specified, the target link will be downloaded to the destination location rather that opened in the browser.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the image.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the image.
imgurl The image URL that will be used to find the image.
alt The value of the "alt" attribute that will be used to find the image.
ClickButton id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the button. Optional: destination file name. If specified, the target link will be downloaded to the destination location rather that opened in the browser.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the button.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the button.
value The value of the "value" attribute that will be used to find the button.
beforetext The text before the button that will be used to find the button.
aftertext The text after the button that will be used to find the button.
SelectButton id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the button. The Parameter can be one of the following values:
check: check the checkbox or radio button.
uncheck: uncheck the checkbox or radio button.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the button.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the button.
value The value of the "value" attribute that will be used to find the button.
beforetext The text before the button that will be used to find the button.
aftertext The text after the button that will be used to find the button.
SelectOption id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the select list. The Argument and Value identifies the <select> list. The Parameter is the "value" attribute of the <option> within the <select> list that will be selected.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the select list.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the select list.
beforetext The text before the select list that will be used to find the select list.
aftertext The text after the select list that will be used to find the select list.
UnselectOption id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the select list. The Argument and Value identifies the <select> list. The Parameter is the "value" attribute of the <option> within the <select> list that will be unselected.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the select list.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the select list.
beforetext The text before the select list that will be used to find the select list.
aftertext The text after the select list that will be used to find the select list.
WithFrame id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the frame. -
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the frame.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the frame.
framesrc The value of the "src" attribute that will be used to find the frame.
EndWithFrame - - -
IfExists id The value of the "id" attribute that will be used to find the element. Type of the element to check its existence. The following values can be specified: TextBox, TextArea, Link, Image, Button, Select, Frame.
class The value of the "class" attribute that will be used to find the element.
name The value of the "name" attribute that will be used to find the element.
beforetext The text before the element that will be used to find the element.
aftertext The text after the element that will be used to find the element.
EndIfExists - - -
Wait - - Number of seconds to wait.
ExecScript JScript The code to be executed. Optional: destination file name. If specified, the target link will be downloaded to the destination location rather that opened in the browser.

Internet Explorer 8 is recommended for this shortcut type. Internet Explorer 5.5 is the minimum required browser for this shortcut type in Advanced Task Scheduler 4.3. There are known issues with Internet Explorer versions prior version 8, such as error 800C0008 on GotoURL.

Returning codes
Error code: Error code of starting the command
Exit code: Number of commands executed

Related Articles
IE Automation with Task Scheduler

Categories: Manual, Shortcut type

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